Source code for wwt_data_formats.cli

# -*- mode: python; coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright 2020-2021 the .NET Foundation
# Licensed under the MIT License.

"""Entrypoint for the "wwtdatatool" command-line interface.

import argparse
import os.path
import sys

__all__ = [

# General CLI utilities

def die(msg):
    print("error:", msg, file=sys.stderr)

def warn(msg):
    print("warning:", msg, file=sys.stderr)

GLOB_PATHS_INTERNALLY = == "nt"  # non-Windows has reasonable shells

[docs] class EnsureGlobsExpandedAction(argparse.Action): """ An action to handle globbing for path-list arguments on Windows. If the CLI program is being run from the Windows command prompt, there is no expansion of globs by the shell. It turns out that to get globbing behavior, we have to manually implement it ourselves. This class helps make this convenient. It can be used as a ``action=`` keyword argument to ``ArgumentParser.add_argument()`` and, on Windows, will process argument text to apply globs. This argument should generally be used on arguments with a ``nargs='+'`` cardinality. """
[docs] def __call__(self, parser, namespace, values, option_string=None): setattr(namespace, self.dest, self.expand_globs(values))
[docs] def expand_globs(self, path_args): if not GLOB_PATHS_INTERNALLY: return path_args import glob result = [] for p in path_args: if not glob.has_magic(p): result.append(p) else: matches = glob.glob(p, recursive=True) if matches: result += matches else: # Unix-like behavior: unmatched glob expression is passed on through result.append(p) return result
# "cabinet" subcommand def cabinet_getparser(parser): subparsers = parser.add_subparsers(dest="cabinet_command") p = subparsers.add_parser("list") p.add_argument( "path", metavar="PATH", help="The path to a cabinet file.", ) p = subparsers.add_parser("pack") p.add_argument( "cab_path", metavar="PATH", help="The path of the cabinet file to create.", ) p.add_argument( "input_paths", nargs="+", action=EnsureGlobsExpandedAction, metavar="PATHS", help="Paths to files to put into the cabinet.", ) p = subparsers.add_parser("unpack") p.add_argument( "path", metavar="PATH", help="The path to a cabinet file.", ) def cabinet_list(settings): from .filecabinet import FileCabinetReader with open(settings.path, "rb") as f: reader = FileCabinetReader(f) for fn in reader.filenames(): print(fn) def cabinet_pack(settings): from .filecabinet import FileCabinetWriter import os.path writer = FileCabinetWriter() for fn in settings.input_paths: with open(fn, "rb") as f: data = # TODO: smarter splitting pieces = fn.split(os.path.sep) for p in pieces: if p in (".", "..", ""): die( f'illegal input path "{fn}": must be relative with no ".", ".." components' ) writer.add_file_with_data("\\".join(pieces), data) with open(settings.cab_path, "wb") as f_out: writer.emit(f_out) def cabinet_unpack(settings): from .filecabinet import FileCabinetReader from os import makedirs from os.path import join with open(settings.path, "rb") as f_in: reader = FileCabinetReader(f_in) for fn in reader.filenames(): data = reader.read_file(fn) pieces = fn.split("\\") # paths are Windows-style # At least the MakeDataCabinetFile tool creates a file whose # paths all begin with \. We are not gonna treat those as # absolute paths or anything like that. if not len(pieces[0]): pieces = pieces[1:] if len(pieces) > 1: makedirs(join(*pieces[:-1]), exist_ok=True) with open(join(*pieces), "wb") as f_out: f_out.write(data) def cabinet_impl(settings): if settings.cabinet_command is None: print('Run the "cabinet" command with `--help` for help on its subcommands') return if settings.cabinet_command == "list": return cabinet_list(settings) elif settings.cabinet_command == "pack": return cabinet_pack(settings) elif settings.cabinet_command == "unpack": return cabinet_unpack(settings) else: die('unrecognized "cabinet" subcommand ' + settings.cabinet_command) # "preview" subcommand def preview_getparser(parser): parser.add_argument( "--browser", "-b", metavar="BROWSER-TYPE", help="The type of browser to use for the preview (as per Python webbrowser)", ) parser.add_argument( "--research", "-r", action="store_true", help="Preview in the WWT Research App" ) parser.add_argument( "--appurl", metavar="URL", help="The URL of the app to use; useful for development", ) parser.add_argument( "wtml_path", metavar="PATH", help="The path to the WTML file to preview", ) def preview_impl(settings): from .server import preview_wtml app = "webclient" if settings.research: app = "research" preview_wtml( settings.wtml_path, browser=settings.browser, app_type=app, app_url=settings.appurl, ) # "serve" subcommand
[docs] def serve_getparser(parser): parser.add_argument( "--port", "-p", metavar="PORT", type=int, default=8080, help="The port on which to listen for connections.", ) parser.add_argument( "--heartbeat", action="store_true", help="Print periodic heartbeat messages to stdout and terminate on failure.", ) parser.add_argument( "root_dir", metavar="PATH", default=".", help="The path to the base directory of the server.", )
def serve_impl(settings): from .server import run_server run_server(settings) # "show" subcommand def show_getparser(parser): subparsers = parser.add_subparsers(dest="show_command") _parser = subparsers.add_parser("concept-doi") _parser = subparsers.add_parser("version") _parser = subparsers.add_parser("version-doi") def show_impl(settings): if settings.show_command is None: print('Run the "show" command with `--help` for help on its subcommands') return if settings.show_command == "concept-doi": # This string constant will be rewritten by Cranko during releases: doi = "xx.xxxx/dev-build.wwt_data_formats.concept" if not doi.startswith("10."): warn("this DOI is a fake value used for development builds") print(doi) elif settings.show_command == "version": # This string constant will be rewritten by Cranko during releases: version = "0.dev0" # cranko project-version print(version) elif settings.show_command == "version-doi": # This string constant will be rewritten by Cranko during releases: doi = "xx.xxxx/dev-build.wwt_data_formats.version" if not doi.startswith("10."): warn("this DOI is a fake value used for development builds") print(doi) else: die('unrecognized "show" subcommand ' + settings.show_command) # "tree" subcommand def tree_getparser(parser): subparsers = parser.add_subparsers(dest="tree_command") p = subparsers.add_parser("fetch") p.add_argument( "root_url", metavar="URL", help="The URL of the initial WTML file to download.", ) p = subparsers.add_parser("print-dem-urls") p = subparsers.add_parser("print-image-urls") p = subparsers.add_parser("summarize") def tree_impl(settings): if settings.tree_command is None: print('Run the "tree" command with `--help` for help on its subcommands') return if settings.tree_command == "fetch": return tree_fetch(settings) elif settings.tree_command == "print-dem-urls": return tree_print_dem_urls(settings) elif settings.tree_command == "print-image-urls": return tree_print_image_urls(settings) elif settings.tree_command == "summarize": return tree_summarize(settings) else: die('unrecognized "tree" subcommand ' + settings.tree_command) def tree_fetch(settings): from .folder import fetch_folder_tree def on_fetch(url): print("Fetching", url, "...") fetch_folder_tree(settings.root_url, ".", on_fetch) def tree_print_dem_urls(settings): from .folder import Folder, walk_cached_folder_tree from .imageset import ImageSet from .place import Place done_urls = set() for treepath, item in walk_cached_folder_tree("."): imgset = None if isinstance(item, ImageSet): imgset = item elif isinstance(item, Place): imgset = item.as_imageset() if imgset is None: continue if not imgset.dem_url or imgset.dem_url in done_urls: continue done_urls.add(imgset.dem_url) print(imgset.dem_url, def tree_print_image_urls(settings): from .folder import Folder, walk_cached_folder_tree from .imageset import ImageSet from .place import Place done_urls = set() for treepath, item in walk_cached_folder_tree("."): imgset = None if isinstance(item, ImageSet): imgset = item elif isinstance(item, Place): imgset = item.as_imageset() if imgset is None: continue for url, tag in zip((imgset.url, imgset.alt_url), ("", " (alt)")): if not url or url in done_urls: continue done_urls.add(url) print(url, + tag) def tree_summarize(settings): from .folder import Folder, walk_cached_folder_tree from .imageset import ImageSet from .place import Place for treepath, item in walk_cached_folder_tree("."): pfx = " " * len(treepath) if isinstance(item, Folder): print(pfx + "Folder", elif isinstance(item, ImageSet): index = treepath[-1] print(f"{pfx}{index:03d}", "ImageSet:",, "@", item.url) elif isinstance(item, Place): maybe_imgset = item.as_imageset() if maybe_imgset is not None: index = treepath[-1] print( f"{pfx}{index:03d}", "Place+ImgSet:",, "@", maybe_imgset.url, ) # "wtml" subcommand def wtml_getparser(parser): subparsers = parser.add_subparsers(dest="wtml_command") p = subparsers.add_parser("merge") p.add_argument( "--merged-name", default="Folder", help="The name to give to the merged folder.", ) p.add_argument( "--merged-thumb-url", default="", help="The thumbnail URL to give to the merged folder.", ) p.add_argument( "in_paths", nargs="+", action=EnsureGlobsExpandedAction, metavar="IN-WTML-PATH", help="The path to the input WTML files.", ) p.add_argument( "out_path", metavar="OUT-WTML-PATH", help="The path to the output WTML file.", ) p = subparsers.add_parser("register-images") p.add_argument( "--handle", metavar="HANDLE", required=True, help="The Constellations handle that will own the images", ) p.add_argument( "--copyright", metavar="TEXT", required=True, help='The copyright line to be attached the images ("Copyright YYYY Person" or "Public domain")', ) p.add_argument( "--license-id", metavar="SPDX-LICENSE-ID", required=True, help='The SPDX license identifier for the image license ("CC-PDDC" for public domain)', ) p.add_argument( "path", metavar="WTML", help="The path to a WTML file.", ) p = subparsers.add_parser("report") p.add_argument( "path", metavar="WTML", help="The path to a WTML file.", ) p = subparsers.add_parser("rewrite-disk") p.add_argument( "in_path", metavar="INPUT-WTML", help="The path to the input WTML file.", ) p.add_argument( "out_path", metavar="OUTPUT-WTML", help="The path of the rewritten, output WTML file.", ) p = subparsers.add_parser("rewrite-urls") p.add_argument( "in_path", metavar="INPUT-WTML", help="The path to the input WTML file.", ) p.add_argument( "baseurl", metavar="BASE-URL", help="The new base URL to use in the file's contents", ) p.add_argument( "out_path", metavar="OUTPUT-WTML", help="The path of the rewritten, output WTML file.", ) p = subparsers.add_parser("transfer-astrometry") p.add_argument( "in_path", metavar="INPUT-WTML", help="The path to the input WTML file with refined astrometric solutions.", ) p.add_argument( "update_paths", nargs="+", action=EnsureGlobsExpandedAction, metavar="UPDATE-WTML", help="Paths of WTML files to update with data from the input file.", ) def wtml_impl(settings): if settings.wtml_command is None: print('Run the "wtml" command with `--help` for help on its subcommands') return if settings.wtml_command == "merge": return wtml_merge(settings) elif settings.wtml_command == "register-images": return wtml_register_images(settings) elif settings.wtml_command == "report": return wtml_report(settings) elif settings.wtml_command == "rewrite-disk": return wtml_rewrite_disk(settings) elif settings.wtml_command == "rewrite-urls": return wtml_rewrite_urls(settings) elif settings.wtml_command == "transfer-astrometry": return wtml_transfer_astrometry(settings) else: die('unrecognized "wtml" subcommand ' + settings.wtml_command) def wtml_merge(settings): from urllib.parse import urljoin, urlsplit from .folder import Folder out_folder = Folder() = settings.merged_name out_folder.thumbnail = settings.merged_thumb_url rel_base = os.path.dirname(settings.out_path) for path in settings.in_paths: in_folder = Folder.from_file(path) cur_base_url = path.replace(os.path.sep, "/") def mutator(url): if not url: return url if urlsplit(url).netloc: return url # this URL is absolute # Resolve this relative URL, using the path of the source WTML # as the basis. url = urljoin(cur_base_url, url) # Now go back to filesystem-path land, so that we can use relpath to # compute the new path relative to the merged folder file. rel = os.path.relpath(url.replace("/", os.path.sep), rel_base) # Finally, re-express that as a URL return rel.replace(os.path.sep, "/") in_folder.mutate_urls(mutator) out_folder.children += in_folder.children with open(settings.out_path, "wt", encoding="utf8") as f_out: out_folder.write_xml(f_out) def wtml_register_images(settings): """ Identify images listed in a WTML and register them with Constellations. Requires the wwt_api_client module. """ from wwt_api_client import constellations as cx from .folder import Folder f = Folder.from_file(settings.path) cl = cx.CxClient() hc = cl.handle_client(settings.handle) n = 0 for _, _, imgset in f.immediate_imagesets(): print(imgset.url, "... ", end="") id = hc.add_image_from_set(imgset, settings.copyright, settings.license_id) print(id) n += 1 if n: print() print(f"{n} image(s) registered with WWT Constellations.") def wtml_report(settings): """ Analyze a WTML file, expect to contain a single place/imageset, and report its metadata contents. """ from bs4 import BeautifulSoup from datetime import datetime import json import textwrap from .folder import Folder from .imageset import ImageSet from .place import Place f = Folder.from_file(settings.path) warnings_hack = [0] def mywarn(*args, **kwargs): warn(*args, **kwargs) warnings_hack[0] += 1 if len(f.children) != 1: mywarn( f"expected WTML file to contain exactly one item; found {len(f.children)}" ) if len(f.children) == 0: die("cannot proceed if WTML has zero items") pl = f.children[0] if isinstance(pl, ImageSet): die( "sorry, this program is too dumb to handle top-level imagesets right now. File a bug!" ) if not isinstance(pl, Place): die(f"the WTML item must be a Place; found: {c}") if pl.foreground_image_set is not None: imgset = pl.foreground_image_set else: die("the WTML Place must contain a <ForegroundImageSet> item") # Name: f_name = p_name = i_name = if f_name != p_name: mywarn(f"name of folder ({f_name}) and name of Place ({p_name}) disagree") if f_name != i_name: mywarn(f"name of folder ({f_name}) and name of ImageSet ({i_name}) disagree") # Our extended metadata -- needs documentation! channel_name = None item_id = None published8601 = None if pl.annotation: try: anno_data = json.loads(pl.annotation) except Exception as e: mywarn( f"Place annotation data is not valid JSON; the text is: {pl.annotation!r}" ) else: channel_name = anno_data.get("channel") item_id = anno_data.get("itemid") published8601 = anno_data.get("publishedUTCISO8601") else: mywarn("Place contains no Annotation metadata") if channel_name is None: mywarn("Place Annotation metadata does not contain a channel name") channel_report = "(none specified)" else: channel_report = channel_name if item_id is None: mywarn("Place Annotation metadata does not contain an itemid") item_id_report = "(none specified)" else: item_id_report = item_id pubdate = None if published8601 is not None: try: pubdate = datetime.fromisoformat(published8601) except Error as e: mywarn( "publication date in Place Annotation data does not seem to be in ISO8601 format" ) else: if pubdate.tzinfo is None: mywarn("publication date does not contain timezone information") if pubdate is None: mywarn("Place Annotation metadata does not contain a valid publication date") pubdate_report = "(unspecified)" else: pubdate_report = pubdate # Text entries def process_html(text): parsed = BeautifulSoup(text, "html.parser") plain_report = textwrap.wrap( parsed.text, break_long_words=False, break_on_hyphens=False, ) tag_report = [] for line in parsed.prettify().splitlines(): # Determine indent for mo' pretty i = 0 while i < len(line) and line[i] == " ": i += 1 indent = line[:i] tag_report += textwrap.wrap( line, initial_indent=indent, subsequent_indent=indent, break_long_words=False, break_on_hyphens=False, ) return plain_report, tag_report if not pl.description: mywarn("Place has no Description") desc_plain_report = desc_tag_report = ["(none)"] else: desc_plain_report, desc_tag_report = process_html(pl.description) if not imgset.credits: mywarn("ImageSet has no credits") credits_plain_report = credits_tag_report = ["(none)"] else: # NB this can cause MarkupResemblesLocatorWarning if the text is short # and contains no HTML tags credits_plain_report, credits_tag_report = process_html(imgset.credits) if not imgset.credits_url: mywarn("ImageSet has no CreditsUrl") credits_url_report = "(none)" else: credits_url_report = imgset.credits_url # Finally, report out print(f"Filename: {settings.path}") print(f"Title (no HTML allowed): {f_name}") print(f"Source channel: {channel_report}") print(f"Source/credit URL: {credits_url_report}") print(f"Item ID (should be unique within channel): {item_id_report}") print(f"Publication date: {pubdate_report}") print() print("Description reduced to plain text:") print() for line in desc_plain_report: print(" ", line) print() print("Full HTML description (check links and tags!):") print() for line in desc_tag_report: print(" ", line) print() print("Credits reduced to plain text:") print() for line in credits_plain_report: print(" ", line) print() print("Full HTML credits (check links and tags!):") print() for line in credits_tag_report: print(" ", line) print() n_warnings = warnings_hack[0] if n_warnings: print(f"Summary: {n_warnings} were flagged") else: print("Summary: file structure looks OK! Check description and credits HTML.") def wtml_rewrite_disk(settings): from .folder import Folder, make_filesystem_url_mutator # Note that data URLs should be relative to the *source* WTML, which is why # we're basing against in_path, not out_path. rootdir = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(settings.in_path)) mutator = make_filesystem_url_mutator(rootdir) f = Folder.from_file(settings.in_path) f.mutate_urls(mutator) with open(settings.out_path, "wt", encoding="utf8") as f_out: f.write_xml(f_out) def wtml_rewrite_urls(settings): from .folder import Folder, make_absolutizing_url_mutator f = Folder.from_file(settings.in_path) f.mutate_urls(make_absolutizing_url_mutator(settings.baseurl)) with open(settings.out_path, "wt", encoding="utf8") as f_out: f.write_xml(f_out) def wtml_transfer_astrometry(settings): from .folder import Folder from .imageset import ImageSet from .place import Place # Tables of preferred entries ... places = {} imagesets = {} def add_imageset(imgset): if imgset is None: return # convenience for Place handling if in imagesets: print( 'note: imageset name "%s" appears repeatedly in input file "%s"' % (, settings.in_path) ) else: imagesets[] = imgset def add_place(place): if in places: print( 'note: place name "%s" appears repeatedly in input file "%s"' % (, settings.in_path) ) else: places[] = place add_imageset(place.image_set) add_imageset(place.background_image_set) add_imageset(place.foreground_image_set) IMAGESET_ASTROMETRIC_ATTRS = [ "data_set_type", "width_factor", "reference_frame", "base_degrees_per_tile", "projection", "center_x", "center_y", "offset_x", "offset_y", "rotation_deg", ] PLACE_ASTROMETRIC_ATTRS = [ "data_set_type", "ra_hr", "dec_deg", "latitude", "longitude", "distance", "angular_size", "zoom_level", "rotation_deg", "angle", "dome_alt", "dome_az", ] def update_imageset(imgset): if imgset is None: return 0 ref = imagesets.get( if ref is None: return 0 for att in IMAGESET_ASTROMETRIC_ATTRS: setattr(imgset, att, getattr(ref, att)) return 1 def update_place(place): n_updates = 0 ref = places.get( if ref is not None: for att in PLACE_ASTROMETRIC_ATTRS: setattr(place, att, getattr(ref, att)) n_updates += 1 n_updates += update_imageset(place.image_set) n_updates += update_imageset(place.background_image_set) n_updates += update_imageset(place.foreground_image_set) return n_updates # Load up the preferred data in_folder = Folder.from_file(settings.in_path) for depth, path, item in in_folder.walk(download=False): if isinstance(item, Place): add_place(item) elif isinstance(item, ImageSet): add_imageset(item) # Now update everything n_updated_files = 0 for update_path in settings.update_paths: folder = Folder.from_file(update_path) n_updates = 0 for depth, path, item in folder.walk(download=False): if isinstance(item, Place): n_updates += update_place(item) elif isinstance(item, ImageSet): n_updates += update_imageset(item) print("%s: updated %d items" % (update_path, n_updates)) if n_updates > 0: n_updated_files += 1 with open(update_path, "wt", encoding="utf8") as f_out: folder.write_xml(f_out) print() print("Updated %d WTML files." % n_updated_files) # The CLI driver:
[docs] def entrypoint(args=None): """The entrypoint for the \"wwtdatatool\" command-line interface. Parameters ---------- args : iterable of str, or None (the default) The arguments on the command line. The first argument should be a subcommand name or global option; there is no ``argv[0]`` parameter. """ # Set up the subcommands from globals() parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() subparsers = parser.add_subparsers(dest="subcommand") commands = set() for py_name, value in globals().items(): if py_name.endswith("_getparser"): cmd_name = py_name[:-10].replace("_", "-") subparser = subparsers.add_parser(cmd_name) value(subparser) commands.add(cmd_name) # What did we get? settings = parser.parse_args(args) if settings.subcommand is None: print("Run me with --help for help. Allowed subcommands are:") print() for cmd in sorted(commands): print(" ", cmd) return py_name = settings.subcommand.replace("-", "_") impl = globals().get(py_name + "_impl") if impl is None: die('no such subcommand "{}"'.format(settings.subcommand)) # OK to go! impl(settings)