Source code for wwt_data_formats.cli

# -*- mode: python; coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright 2020 the .NET Foundation
# Licensed under the MIT License.

"""Entrypoint for the "wwtdatatool" command-line interface.

import argparse
import os.path
import sys

# General CLI utilities

[docs]def die(msg): print('error:', msg, file=sys.stderr) sys.exit(1)
[docs]def warn(msg): print('warning:', msg, file=sys.stderr)
# "cabinet" subcommand
[docs]def cabinet_getparser(parser): subparsers = parser.add_subparsers(dest='cabinet_command') p = subparsers.add_parser('list') p.add_argument( 'path', metavar = 'PATH', help = 'The path to a cabinet file.', ) p = subparsers.add_parser('pack') p.add_argument( 'cab_path', metavar = 'PATH', help = 'The path of the cabinet file to create.', ) p.add_argument( 'input_paths', nargs = '+', metavar = 'PATHS', help = 'Paths to files to put into the cabinet.', ) p = subparsers.add_parser('unpack') p.add_argument( 'path', metavar = 'PATH', help = 'The path to a cabinet file.', )
[docs]def cabinet_list(settings): from .filecabinet import FileCabinetReader with open(settings.path, 'rb') as f: reader = FileCabinetReader(f) for fn in reader.filenames(): print(fn)
[docs]def cabinet_pack(settings): from .filecabinet import FileCabinetWriter import os.path writer = FileCabinetWriter() for fn in settings.input_paths: with open(fn, 'rb') as f: data = # TODO: smarter splitting pieces = fn.split(os.path.sep) for p in pieces: if p in ('.', '..', ''): die(f'illegal input path "{fn}": must be relative with no ".", ".." components') writer.add_file_with_data('\\'.join(pieces), data) with open(settings.cab_path, 'wb') as f_out: writer.emit(f_out)
[docs]def cabinet_unpack(settings): from .filecabinet import FileCabinetReader from os import makedirs from os.path import join with open(settings.path, 'rb') as f_in: reader = FileCabinetReader(f_in) for fn in reader.filenames(): data = reader.read_file(fn) pieces = fn.split('\\') # paths are Windows-style # At least the MakeDataCabinetFile tool creates a file whose # paths all begin with \. We are not gonna treat those as # absolute paths or anything like that. if not len(pieces[0]): pieces = pieces[1:] if len(pieces) > 1: makedirs(join(*pieces[:-1]), exist_ok=True) with open(join(*pieces), 'wb') as f_out: f_out.write(data)
[docs]def cabinet_impl(settings): if settings.cabinet_command is None: print('Run the "cabinet" command with `--help` for help on its subcommands') return if settings.cabinet_command == 'list': return cabinet_list(settings) elif settings.cabinet_command == 'pack': return cabinet_pack(settings) elif settings.cabinet_command == 'unpack': return cabinet_unpack(settings) else: die('unrecognized "cabinet" subcommand ' + settings.cabinet_command)
# "fetch-tree" subcommand
[docs]def fetch_tree_getparser(parser): parser.add_argument( 'root_url', metavar = 'URL', help = 'The URL of the initial WTML file to download.', )
[docs]def fetch_tree_impl(settings): from .folder import fetch_folder_tree def on_fetch(url): print('Fetching', url, '...') fetch_folder_tree(settings.root_url, '.', on_fetch)
# "print-tree-image-urls" subcommand # "serve" subcommand
[docs]def serve_getparser(parser): parser.add_argument( '--port', '-p', metavar = 'PORT', type = int, default = 8080, help = 'The port on which to listen for connections.' ) parser.add_argument( 'root_dir', metavar = 'PATH', default = '.', help = 'The path to the base directory of the server.', )
[docs]def serve_impl(settings): from .server import run_server run_server(settings)
# "summarize-tree" subcommand
[docs]def summarize_tree_getparser(parser): pass
[docs]def summarize_tree_impl(settings): from .folder import Folder, walk_cached_folder_tree from .imageset import ImageSet from .place import Place for treepath, item in walk_cached_folder_tree('.'): pfx = ' ' * len(treepath) if isinstance(item, Folder): print(pfx + 'Folder', elif isinstance(item, ImageSet): index = treepath[-1] print(f'{pfx}{index:03d}', 'ImageSet:',, '@', item.url) elif isinstance(item, Place): maybe_imgset = item.as_imageset() if maybe_imgset is not None: index = treepath[-1] print(f'{pfx}{index:03d}', 'Place+ImgSet:',, '@', maybe_imgset.url)
# "wtml" subcommand
[docs]def wtml_getparser(parser): subparsers = parser.add_subparsers(dest='wtml_command') p = subparsers.add_parser('rewrite-urls') p.add_argument( 'in_path', metavar = 'INPUT-WTML', help = 'The path to the input WTML file.', ) p.add_argument( 'baseurl', metavar = 'BASE-URL', help = 'The new base URL to use in the file\'s contents', ) p.add_argument( 'out_path', metavar = 'OUTPUT-WTML', help = 'The path of the rewritten, output WTML file.', )
[docs]def wtml_rewrite_urls(settings): from .folder import Folder, make_absolutizing_url_mutator f = Folder.from_file(settings.in_path) f.mutate_urls(make_absolutizing_url_mutator(settings.baseurl)) with open(settings.out_path, 'wt') as f_out: f.write_xml(f_out)
[docs]def wtml_impl(settings): if settings.wtml_command is None: print('Run the "wtml" command with `--help` for help on its subcommands') return if settings.wtml_command == 'rewrite-urls': return wtml_rewrite_urls(settings) else: die('unrecognized "wtml" subcommand ' + settings.wtml_command)
# The CLI driver:
[docs]def entrypoint(args=None): """The entrypoint for the \"wwtdatatool\" command-line interface. Parameters ---------- args : iterable of str, or None (the default) The arguments on the command line. The first argument should be a subcommand name or global option; there is no ``argv[0]`` parameter. """ # Set up the subcommands from globals() parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() subparsers = parser.add_subparsers(dest="subcommand") commands = set() for py_name, value in globals().items(): if py_name.endswith('_getparser'): cmd_name = py_name[:-10].replace('_', '-') subparser = subparsers.add_parser(cmd_name) value(subparser) commands.add(cmd_name) # What did we get? settings = parser.parse_args(args) if settings.subcommand is None: print('Run me with --help for help. Allowed subcommands are:') print() for cmd in sorted(commands): print(' ', cmd) return py_name = settings.subcommand.replace('-', '_') impl = globals().get(py_name + '_impl') if impl is None: die('no such subcommand "{}"'.format(settings.subcommand)) # OK to go! impl(settings)