Source code for wwt_data_formats.filecabinet

# -*- mode: python; coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright 2019-2020 the .NET Foundation
# Licensed under the MIT License.

from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function

__all__ = '''

from collections import namedtuple, OrderedDict
from xml.etree import ElementTree as etree

from . import stringify_xml_doc

ReaderFileInfo = namedtuple('ReaderFileInfo', 'name offset size')

[docs]class FileCabinetReader(object): """Reader for a simple container format for other files. Unlike most of the other WWT data formats implemented in this package, the file cabinet is not an XML serialization of a data structure. Instead, it's a container format for bundling files together. """ _stream = None _files = None def __init__(self, stream): self._stream = stream self._files = {} # We assume that the stream is going to be accessed randomly. There # might be cases in which the access is sequential, in which case we # could avoid the seeks and operate on pipes and the like, but we'll # cross that bridge if/when we get there -- this format is simple. # It seems safest to figure out the bounds of the header by # searching for the text of the form `HeaderSize="0x000001b2"`. # TODO: explicit handling if the magic string isn't found or if the # header size is implausible. header = idx = header.index(b'HeaderSize="') size_hex = header[idx+12:idx+22] header_size = int(size_hex, 16) # Now we can read the full header and parse it. header = header_doc = etree.fromstring(header) for file in header_doc.find('Files').iterfind('File'): name = file.get('Name') rel_offset = file.get('Offset') size = file.get('Size') if name is None or rel_offset is None or size is None: raise Exception('incomplete File record in FileCabinet') try: rel_offset = int(rel_offset) size = int(size) except Exception as e: raise Exception('malformed Offset or Size in File record in FileCabinet') # TODO: handle names with bad characters, implausible offsets and sizes, etc. if name in self._files: raise Exception('duplicated File record "{}" in FileCabinet'.format(name)) self._files[name] = ReaderFileInfo(name, header_size + rel_offset, size)
[docs] def close(self): """Close the underlying stream, making this object essentially unusable.""" self._stream.close() self._stream = None
[docs] def filenames(self): """Return an iterable of the names of the files in this cabinet.""" return self._files.keys()
[docs] def read_file(self, filename): """Read the specified file into memory in its entirety and return its contents. Returns bytes. """ if self._stream is None: raise Exception('cannot read file "{}" with a closed FileCabinetReader'.format(filename)) info = self._files.get(filename) if info is None: raise Exception('no such file "{}" in FileCabinet'.format(filename)) return
WriterFileInfo = namedtuple('WriterFileInfo', 'name size contents')
[docs]class FileCabinetWriter(object): """Writer for a simple container format for other files. One day, we should support the ability to stream data into a cabinet without having to grossly buffer everything in memory. But today is not that day. """ _files = None def __init__(self): self._files = OrderedDict()
[docs] def add_file_with_data(self, name, data): """Add a file whose contents are stored in an in-memory buffer. The *data* argument should be a bytes object. """ if not isinstance(data, bytes): raise ValueError('the data argument must be an instance of the bytes type') if name in self._files: raise ValueError('a file named \"{}\" has already been added'.format(name)) size = len(data) self._files[name] = WriterFileInfo(name, size, data)
[docs] def filenames(self): """Return an iterable of the names of the files in this cabinet.""" return self._files.keys()
[docs] def emit(self, stream): """Write out the contents of this cabinet to the target stream. """ # Create the header structure. SIZE_PLACEHOLDER = '0xZYXWVUTS' cabinet = etree.Element('FileCabinet') cabinet.set('HeaderSize', SIZE_PLACEHOLDER) files = etree.SubElement(cabinet, 'Files') offset = 0 for info in self._files.values(): f = etree.SubElement(files, 'File') f.set('Name', f.set('Size', str(info.size)) f.set('Offset', str(offset)) offset += info.size # Serialize and patch in the actual header size. With a # non-pathological XML serialization, the HeaderSize item will occur # within the first SIZE_REGION bytes while the first filename will # occur beyond the first SIZE_REGION bytes, meaning that we'll be # resistant if someone tries to break us by using a filename that # includes SIZE_PLACEHOLDER. SIZE_REGION = 90 header = stringify_xml_doc(cabinet, indent=True) header = header.encode('utf-8') size_ascii = '0x{:08x}'.format(len(header)).encode('us-ascii') filled_size = header[:SIZE_REGION].replace(SIZE_PLACEHOLDER.encode('us-ascii'), size_ascii) header = filled_size + header[SIZE_REGION:] stream.write(header) # The rest is straightforward. for info in self._files.values(): stream.write(info.contents)