Source code for wwt_data_formats.imageset

# -*- mode: python; coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright 2019-2020 the .NET Foundation
# Licensed under the MIT License.

"""An image, possibly tiled, for display in WWT.

from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function

__all__ = '''

import math
from traitlets import Bool, Float, Int, Unicode, UseEnum
from xml.etree import ElementTree as etree

from . import LockedXmlTraits, XmlSer
from .abcs import UrlContainer
from .enums import Bandpass, DataSetType, ProjectionType

[docs]class ImageSet(LockedXmlTraits, UrlContainer): """A set of images.""" data_set_type = UseEnum(DataSetType, default_value=DataSetType.SKY).tag(xml=XmlSer.attr('DataSetType')) """The renderer mode to which these data apply. Possible values are ``"Earth"``, ``"Planet"``, ``"Sky"``, ``"Panorama"``, ``"SolarSystem"``, and ``"Sandbox"``. """ reference_frame = Unicode('').tag(xml=XmlSer.attr('ReferenceFrame')) """TBD.""" name = Unicode('').tag(xml=XmlSer.attr('Name')) """A name used to refer to this imageset. Various parts of the WWT internals reference imagesets by this name, so it should be distinctive. """ url = Unicode('').tag(xml=XmlSer.attr('Url')) """The URL of the image data. Either a URL or a URL template. TODO: details """ dem_url = Unicode('').tag(xml=XmlSer.attr('DemUrl')) """The URL of the DEM data. Either a URL or a URL template. TODO: details """ width_factor = Int(2).tag(xml=XmlSer.attr('WidthFactor')) """This is a legacy parameter. Leave it at 2.""" base_tile_level = Int(0).tag(xml=XmlSer.attr('BaseTileLevel')) """The level of the highest (coarsest-resolution) tiling available. This should be zero except for special circumstances. """ quad_tree_map = Unicode('').tag(xml=XmlSer.attr('QuadTreeMap')) """TBD.""" tile_levels = Int(0).tag(xml=XmlSer.attr('TileLevels')) """The number of levels of tiling. Should be zero for untiled images. An image with ``tile_levels = 1`` has been broken into four tiles, each 256x256 pixels. For ``tile_levels = 2``, there are sixteen tiles, and the padded height of the tiled area is ``256 * 2**2 = 1024`` pixels. Image with dimensions of 2048 pixels or smaller do not need to be tiled, so if this parameter is nonzero it will usually be 4 or larger. """ base_degrees_per_tile = Float(0.0).tag(xml=XmlSer.attr('BaseDegreesPerTile')) """The angular scale of the image. For untiled images, should be the pixel scale: the number of degrees per pixel in the vertical direction. Non-square pixels are not supported. For tiled images, this is the height of the image with its dimensions padded out to the next largest power of 2 for tiling purposes. If a square image is 1200 pixels tall and has a height of 0.016 deg, the padded height would be 2048 pixels and this parameter should be set to 0.016 * 2048 / 1200 = 0.0273. """ file_type = Unicode('.png').tag(xml=XmlSer.attr('FileType')) """The extension of the image file(s) in this set, including a leading period. """ bottoms_up = Bool(False).tag(xml=XmlSer.attr('BottomsUp')) """TBD.""" projection = UseEnum( ProjectionType, default_value = ProjectionType.SKY_IMAGE ).tag(xml=XmlSer.attr('Projection')) """The type of projection used to place this image on the sky. For untiled images, this should be "SkyImage". For tiled images, it should be "Tan". The :meth:`set_position_from_wcs` method will set this value appropriately based on :attr:`tile_levels`. """ center_x = Float(0.0).tag(xml=XmlSer.attr('CenterX')) """The horizontal location of the center of the image’s projection coordinate system. For sky images, this is a right ascension in degrees. """ center_y = Float(0.0).tag(xml=XmlSer.attr('CenterY')) """The vertical location of the center of the image’s projection coordinate system. For sky images, this is a declination in degrees. """ offset_x = Float(0.0).tag(xml=XmlSer.attr('OffsetX')) """The horizontal positioning of the image relative to its projection coordinate system. For untiled sky images, the image is by default positioned such that its lower left lands at the center of the projection coordinate system (namely, ``center_x`` and ``center_y``). The offset is measured in pixels and moves the image leftwards. Therefore, ``offset_x = image_width / 2`` places the center of the image at ``center_x``. This parameter is therefore analogous to the WCS keyword ``CRVAL1``. For tiled sky images, the offset is measured in *degrees*, and a value of zero means that the *center* of the image lands at the center of the projection coordinate system. """ offset_y = Float(0.0).tag(xml=XmlSer.attr('OffsetY')) """The vertical positioning of the image relative to its projection coordinate system. For untiled sky images, the image is by default positioned such that its lower left lands at the center of the projection coordinate system (namely, ``center_x`` and ``center_y``). The offset is measured in pixels and moves the image downwards. Therefore, ``offset_y = image_height / 2`` places the center of the image at ``center_y``. This parameter is therefore analogous to the WCS keyword ``CRVAL2``. For tiled sky images, the offset is measured in *degrees*, and a value of zero means that the *center* of the image lands at the center of the projection coordinate system. """ rotation_deg = Float(0.0).tag(xml=XmlSer.attr('Rotation')) """The rotation of image’s projection coordinate system, in degrees. For sky images, this is East from North, i.e. counterclockwise. """ band_pass = UseEnum( Bandpass, default_value = Bandpass.VISIBLE ).tag(xml=XmlSer.attr('BandPass')) """The bandpass of the image data.""" sparse = Bool(True).tag(xml=XmlSer.attr('Sparse')) """TBD.""" elevation_model = Bool(False).tag(xml=XmlSer.attr('ElevationModel')) """TBD.""" stock_set = Bool(False).tag(xml=XmlSer.attr('StockSet')) """TBD.""" generic = Bool(False).tag(xml=XmlSer.attr('Generic')) """TBD.""" mean_radius = Float(0.0).tag(xml=XmlSer.attr('MeanRadius')) """TBD.""" credits = Unicode('').tag(xml=XmlSer.text_elem('Credits')) """Textual credits for the image originator.""" credits_url = Unicode('').tag(xml=XmlSer.text_elem('CreditsUrl')) """A URL giving the source of the image or more information about its creation.""" thumbnail_url = Unicode('').tag(xml=XmlSer.text_elem('ThumbnailUrl')) """A URL to a standard WWT thumbnail representation of this imageset.""" description = Unicode('').tag(xml=XmlSer.text_elem('Description')) """A textual description of the imagery.""" msr_community_id = Int(0).tag(xml=XmlSer.attr('MSRCommunityId')) """The ID number of the WWT Community that this content came from.""" msr_component_id = Int(0).tag(xml=XmlSer.attr('MSRComponentId')) """The ID number of this content item on the WWT Communities system.""" permission = Int(0).tag(xml=XmlSer.attr('Permission')) "TBD." def _tag_name(self): return 'ImageSet' def mutate_urls(self, mutator): if self.url: self.url = mutator(self.url) if self.dem_url: self.dem_url = mutator(self.dem_url) if self.credits_url: self.credits_url = mutator(self.credits_url) if self.thumbnail_url: self.thumbnail_url = mutator(self.thumbnail_url)
[docs] def set_position_from_wcs(self, headers, width, height, place=None, fov_factor=1.7): """Set the positional information associated with this imageset to match a set of WCS headers. Parameters ---------- headers : :class:`` or string-keyed dict-like A set of FITS-like headers including WCS keywords such as ``CRVAL1``. width : positive integer The width of the image associated with the WCS, in pixels. height : positive integer The height of the image associated with the WCS, in pixels. place : optional :class:`` If specified, the centering and zoom level of the :class:`` object will be set to match the center and size of this image. fov_factor : optional float If *place* is provided, its zoom level will be set so that the angular height of the client viewport is this factor times the angular height of the image. The default is 1.7. Returns ------- self For convenience in chaining function calls. Notes ----- Certain of the ImageSet parameters take on different meanings depending on whether the image in question is a tiled "study" or not. This method will alter its behavior depending on whether the :attr:`tile_levels` attribute is greater than zero. If you are computing coordinates for a tiled study, make sure to set this parameter *before* calling this function. For the time being, the WCS must be equatorial using the gnomonic (``TAN``) projection. Required keywords in *headers* are: - ``CTYPE1`` and ``CTYPE2`` - ``CRVAL1`` and ``CRVAL2`` - ``CRPIX1`` and ``CRPIX2`` - Either: - ``CDELT1``, ``CDELT2``, ``PC1_1``, and ``PC1_2``; or - ``CD1_1``, ``CD2_2`` If present ``PC1_2``, ``PC2_1``, ``CD1_2``, and/or ``CD2_1`` are used. If absent, they are assumed to be zero. """ if headers['CTYPE1'] != 'RA---TAN' or headers['CTYPE2'] != 'DEC--TAN': raise ValueError('WCS coordinates must be in an equatorial/TAN projection') # Figure out the stuff we need from the headers. ra_deg = headers['CRVAL1'] dec_deg = headers['CRVAL2'] crpix_x = headers['CRPIX1'] - 1 crpix_y = headers['CRPIX2'] - 1 if 'CD1_1' in headers: cd1_1 = headers['CD1_1'] cd2_2 = headers['CD2_2'] cd1_2 = headers.get('CD1_2', 0.0) cd2_1 = headers.get('CD2_1', 0.0) if cd1_1 * cd2_2 - cd1_2 * cd2_1 < 0: cd_sign = -1 else: cd_sign = 1 rot_rad = math.atan2(-cd_sign * cd1_2, cd2_2) scale_x = math.sqrt(cd1_1**2 + cd2_1**2) * cd_sign scale_y = math.sqrt(cd1_2**2 + cd2_2**2) else: scale_x = headers['CDELT1'] scale_y = headers['CDELT2'] pc1_1 = headers.get('PC1_1', 1.0) pc2_2 = headers.get('PC2_2', 1.0) pc1_2 = headers.get('PC1_2', 0.0) pc2_1 = headers.get('PC2_1', 0.0) det = pc1_1 * pc2_2 - pc1_2 * pc2_1 if det < 0: pc_sign = -1 else: pc_sign = 1 rot_rad = math.atan2(-pc_sign * pc1_2, pc2_2) # I am not sure if this is "supposed" to be allowed, but I've seen it. rtdet = math.sqrt(pc_sign * det) scale_x *= rtdet scale_y *= rtdet # This is our best effort to make sure that the view centers on the # center of the image. try: from astropy.wcs import WCS except: center_ra_deg = ra_deg center_dec_deg = dec_deg else: wcs = WCS(headers) center = wcs.pixel_to_world(height / 2, width / 2) center_ra_deg = center.ra.deg center_dec_deg = center.dec.deg # Now, assign the fields self.data_set_type = DataSetType.SKY self.width_factor = 2 self.center_x = ra_deg self.center_y = dec_deg self.rotation_deg = rot_rad * 180 / math.pi if self.tile_levels > 0: # are we tiled? self.projection = ProjectionType.TAN self.offset_x = (width / 2 - crpix_x) * abs(scale_x) self.offset_y = (height / 2 - crpix_y) * scale_y self.base_degrees_per_tile = scale_y * 256 * 2**self.tile_levels else: self.projection = ProjectionType.SKY_IMAGE self.offset_x = crpix_x self.offset_y = crpix_y self.base_degrees_per_tile = scale_y if place is not None: place.data_set_type = DataSetType.SKY place.rotation_deg = 0. # I think this is better than propagating the image rotation? place.ra_hr = center_ra_deg / 15. place.dec_deg = center_dec_deg # It is hardcoded that in sky mode, zoom_level = height of client FOV * 6. place.zoom_level = height * scale_y * fov_factor * 6 return self
[docs] def wcs_headers_from_position(self): """Compute a set of WCS headers for this ImageSet's positional information. Returns ------- A string-keyed dict-like containing FITS/WCS header keywords such as ``CTYPE1``, ``CRPIX1``, etc. Notes ----- At the moment, this function only works for ImageSets with a projection type of ``SKY_IMAGE``. Support for other projections *might* be added later, if the need arises.. """ rv = { 'CTYPE1': 'RA---TAN', 'CTYPE2': 'DEC--TAN', 'CRVAL1': self.center_x, 'CRVAL2': self.center_y, } if self.projection != ProjectionType.SKY_IMAGE: raise NotImplementError('wcs_headers_from_position() only works if projection=SKY_IMAGE') rv['CRPIX1'] = self.offset_x + 1 rv['CRPIX2'] = self.offset_y + 1 rv['CDELT2'] = self.base_degrees_per_tile # = scale_y, above rv['CDELT1'] = -self.base_degrees_per_tile # AFAICT, non-square pixels can't be expressed c = math.cos(self.rotation_deg * math.pi / 180) s = math.sin(self.rotation_deg * math.pi / 180) rv['PC1_1'] = c rv['PC1_2'] = -s rv['PC2_1'] = s rv['PC2_2'] = c return rv